SKISACS Vision for Ocean CleanUp

As you know, SKISAC was invented to get your gear to and from the mountain to keep your gear intact, dry and in one place. But... what if there was a way to do all of that while giving back to the planet???

Right now, SKISAC is made using SOME recycled materials. We recycle the climbing rope, as well as the bottom of the Sac uses recycled grain sacks from local, Colorado breweries. We envision a 100% recycled gear bag and here's how: 

I found that deep sea fishing net is a good alternative to the mesh we currently use... Once SKISAC gets some more momentum, I would like to start a nonprofit. I would deploy dive teams to clean up the crazy amount of plastic in the ocean, and while cleaning up plastic and other debris, we would of course be cleaning up stray fishing nets. Fishing nets are responsible for the death of over 1M Sea creatures a year... I don't know about you, but I am against choking baby seals... 

Anyway, that's the vision... If you have ideas or just want to help, email me at