I have a theory. 

I believe that every complex "thing" in this world can be broken down into simple principles. Now realize I use the term "thing" very loosely. I am referring to situations as things, people as things, and things as things. 

Whether you want to break it down as "karma," "the scientific method," or "your liberal grandmothers' cooky ideas," it all seems to me to break down to simple principles. 

The simple principle(s) I am referring to are that in things which occur naturally there is a transfer that happens, a quest for an equilibruim. In plants, pollen interacts with another plant to recreate the life that will be leaving. In our own head we often transfer ideas to make up for insecurities.  In our International society, you have countries doing well, and countries doing poorly, and when the scales are tipped, a reaction happens... everything in life will naturally try to balance itself... unless the scales are tipped so far against it that.... system overload. 

We are forcing a system overload on our planet by stashing our over consumption wherever not visible, to the point that it is all showing itself. The only way to rescue our existence is to erase footprints... we need to pull debris from the planet and put it back into production, while halting the production of new goods. I am not a scientist, nor an economist, and only mildly good looking, but I understand simple principles, and so do you. 

Tyler Tenpas

Founder - SKISAC